early bird

Feeling Exhausted and Overwhelmed from Trying to Keep Your Business Afloat?

Are you frustrated and burned out From "running" your business?

In highly competitive industries, entrepreneurs who understand the business side of things are the ones truly making a living from their passion.
If you’re spending your time answering emails, dealing with social media, you didn’t create a business. You created yourself a job.


Grab your seat!

This course is easily worth way more than what I’m offering it for. In my first year of scaling my company, I took my small business from stagnating at $80,000 - $120,000 to generating over $300,000. So, naturally, this blueprint is incredibly valuable because it’s proven to deliver incredible results.

I know firsthand what it feels like to be stuck in the endless grind, constantly stressing about making ends meet, and feeling completely burnt out. I’ve been there, and it’s draining. My therapist even called it “trauma brain” because I felt completely paralyzed by it all. But everything changed when I discovered the power of strategic scaling. With my blueprint method, I didn’t just scale and sell businesses—I learned how to streamline operations, delegate effectively, and achieve true financial mastery.

Gone were the days of scrambling to pay the bills or drowning in an overwhelming to-do list. I transitioned from being a stressed-out manager of what I used to call a “business” to becoming a visionary CEO. I reclaimed my time and reignited my creative passion. 

Within 90 days you will scale the business you're passionate about

Ready for your life to change?



"I told Brit that she is undercharging for the type of education and transformation I received. I would have paid 4 figures but she said she wants  everyone to afford it. SO GOOD"

— Jolene

"Brit transformed my business!"

I could never quite hold down a job working for someone else. At just 17 years old, I ditched the traditional path and embarked on a self-made crash course in business. My mind was always racing, thinking about what I could do next to push my own business forward. If I was going to put in all that time and energy in a day, I wanted it to be for something that aligned with my heart’s desires, not just to build someone else’s dream.

I’ll admit, I did things a little backward. I started with a strong grasp on the business side but hadn’t fully honed my creative skills yet. But even so, I was able to bring in $20k within my first 4 months—right after leaving an abusive marriage where I was left with literally nothing. (But we’ll dive deeper into that story later.) 

i freaking get it

The key for me was knowing how to build a solid structure and then channel my deep-rooted passions into that framework. That’s what made all the difference.

but guess what...

From Passion to profit: the females entrepreneur playbook


You will no longer BE bottlenecked by your business and can build your business from your passion, the easy way. You know, without the shitshow.

In the first four lessons alone, you'll establish a rock-solid entrepreneurial mindset, mastering the art of effective delegation to streamline your operations and achieve financial knowledge. No more drowning in client management and administrative tasks - you'll learn to automate workflows, build a rockstar team, and unlock the secrets to predictable cash flow and long-term financial income. By the end of this program, you'll be equipped with the knowledge, systems, and confidence to become the true CEO of your business, freeing you up to focus on your creative passions and build the life you've always dreamed of.

Tackle the challenges that come with growth, arming you with the strategies and tools to manage the ebbs and flows of an expanding business. You'll learn how to plan for expansion while staying true to your brand's core values and your own personal vision. No more feeling overwhelmed or punched in the face by the growing pains - you'll have the confidence and agility to scale your business in a way that empowers both you and your team. I will show you how to find the RIGHT fit where you can truly be a boss and make more money. 

Here's What You'll Learn

Foundations of Business Mastery

Scaling Your Business

key feature

key feature

Expanding and scaling is mother freakin scary and daunting if you've never done it. But the pay off is INSANELY worth it.
I will go over my story of a bad hire that almost bankrupt my business and how I protected myself. I will give you the right tools where you won't have to experience the Federal Court route, you'll hear from a very well known lawyer and you'll have access to all the contracts you'll ever need when it comes to scaling and protecting your assets

Keep Your "Ass"ets Protected

key feature

You'll learn the world of passive income, on how to leverage your expertise and create revenue-generating products like online courses, e-books, and digital presets. ANYTHING for expansion! You'll learn how to package and market these offerings in a way that not only generates consistent cash flow but also positions you as an industry authority that set you apart from the competition.

This is where you'll truly learn how to invest into other revenues of income to set aside for retirement, big trips, a house, a frickin boat, whatever!

Diversifying Your Revenue Streams

key feature


Replace your 9-5 income and make more in a month than ever before.

How does this sound?

Fill your calendar with your dream clients that make your hearts desires happy.



the results you're going to get:

Have a team that is a perfect fit of your brand that keeps the business going


Kick that imposter syndrome and self doubt in the booty and feel confident.


Use this blueprint to keep expanding and scaling while you focus on income producing activities while having freedom


grab your seat!

Watch Out... You'll Experience A Massive Change

You're stressed to the max. Everyone is needing something from you but you're only one person just trying to survive

First This

You find this easy course. You wonder if it's worth it or if you should just stay where you're at to make it on your own

Then this

You've finished the course and before you even got done you applied the steps and can finally feel freedom for the first time in a while

then this

"Brit changed my life. My whole damn life. I simply wouldn't be where I am if not for her."


got her groove back:


"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


Made six figures:


real person, i swear

A year from now you
will have wished you had started today....

So let's get  you scaling!

"If there is one person who has made an immense impact on my life it would be Brittney. I truly hope you find yourself in a position where you get to learn and laugh with her… you won't regret it!"


tripled her income

Yes, It Really Works

"She’s a true creative entrepreneur, who brings every ounce of creativity and professionalism to the table. The way she builds up communities is incredible. She advocates for other entrepreneurs and makes sure they are successful in whatever they are wanting to do"


scaled her business by 5x

"The first time I met Brit was at a local coffee shop with a group of local photographers. I sat in awe as she spoke passionately about her business and what she was going through. I reached out about the mentorship, she’s been extremely supportive and helpful. I can’t wait to continue to work with Brit and am excited to see how much more my business will grow under her guidance. "


is living her dream

Life hit hard with an abusive marriage that took everything from me, but I clawed my way back, turning a $25k hustle within 4 months. I scaled and sold companies all using the same blueprint. I created wealth for my family and for other families by providing jobs for passionate people. After I hit my 16th year I hired a bad apple and went against my gut and my blueprint. She ended up stealing over 66 federally copyrighted materials from me and used it against me in my own market, I fought back with a federal lawsuit. I now teach others how to scale, hire correctly, and generate enough wealth to put into investments. You will know exactly how to avoid the pitfalls and shitshows, and legally protect your business all while transitioning from a manager into a CEO who scaled their company.

You're stronger than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works.

You're in the right place.





"This is your day. This is the time to go after it all.


Be booking your ideal clients and working on projects that bring high reward — both financially and creatively.

Increasing your average booking per client (Our students report an over 250% increase!).

Be able to clearly articulate what you do and who you do it for on demand confidently

Have a clear actionable plan in place for scaling your business and taking things to the next level. 

Know the difference between an employee and contractor to see which best fits your brand

Be able to attract top-tier candidates to join your team and help build your biz.

By the end of 90 days, you will...

catch the early bird special

I'm Brit, your new get-a-grip friend.

I'm only 5 ft. I love being a public speaker, I find my peace up on stages helping women just like you. I love tacos and spicy margaritas, I can quote the office as if you're watching it, and I hate turtles. They just creep me out...

more about me

hey there!

Over night success takes years...

As you read from above, I've had some hard hitting struggles that should have knocked me out cold. It should have pushed me to work for someone else and build their dream, but I don't have it in my heart to NOT be an entrepreneur. It's embedded within my soul.

I've had my fair share of self doubt, wanting to quit and in a constant state of confusion on what to do "next". 
Every time I come back to my blueprint, things start happening for me again.

You don't have to BE "SPECIAL" to do this entrepreneur life. You just have to believe in yourself and take the action steps.

but it wasn't always this way.

This program is the only one of its kind because...

it actually works

It's a transformative journey that's going to empower you to become the visionary leader your business deserves. By the time you're done, you'll have the knowledge, systems, and strategic mindset to take your enterprise to new heights of success, all while reclaiming your time and reigniting your creative passion.


This course is packed with cutting-edge strategies for streamlining your operations, mastering effective delegation, and unlocking the secrets to predictable cash flow and financial freedom. No more drowning in the day-to-day grind - you're going to become the true CEO of your empire, with the time and freedom to pursue your creative passions and enjoy the life you've always dreamed of.

Study at your own pace

easy learning style


Follow a proven roadmap

This program includes everything you need to keep rising up.

This course can only take you so far. If you don't do the work to apply what you've learned and put sweat equity into your vision, your needle will never move. And that's because you are too comfortable in the comfort zone that is slowly killing you... and you know that , too.

Creating this one very life-changing habit

Building a system that will scale your business.

Attracting your dream clients and working on projects that light you up.

Building a dream team that will ensure you're continued growth and more time to operate in your zone of genius.

Creating and sustaining processes and systems for added efficiency and profitability. 

Feeling more balanced, and rested, and in alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life.

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

grab your friggin seat!

This      for you if:

You need to finally make time for the important things

You're overwhelmed by this

you have deep desire passions in your heart


you're itching for the next step but don't know how to quite get there

It's probably       for you if...

you want others to do the work for you



It's probably
for you if...


Let's Do This Thing!

I'm a photographer, will this work for me?

Heck mother freaking yes. I scaled two different photography businesses myself and know what it takes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I only do half the course and don't put effort in?

You get out of it what you put in. I'm not a magic dealer healer, I'm just a chick who knows what tf I'm doing and I want you to experience the freedom, too

I don't know who you are, why should I invest

You might not recognize me, but you also don't have to have a million followers to make a million dollars. I'm someone who cares more about my business and making money instead of chasing after tiktok fame ;)

What if I absolutely hate it?

well that would suck, but if you ABSOLUTELY hate it and have gone through the whole course and put your all into it, we offer money back <3

What if I'm not making enough money right now?

Then we need to scrub hard and put some elbow grease into this. If you're willing to do the work, there is no reason why this program won't work

Can anyone take this?

Yup. This is for any female entrepreneur! My very first business was a digital media company in the early 2000s and sold that puppy when I was 23. You've got this

How long is the course

It's a self paced program that is set to take you 90 days to complete. You can for sure finish before then!

When is the course going live?

My last module is set to record on September 19th with my surprise guest. After that is finished, the course will go live!!

shoot me an email

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your business is an important one! Glossier church-key subway tile.

Still on the fence?